Is it necessary to bother finding the answer for the question "WHO AM I?" or theoretically unveil the meaning of our existence and then we forget to LIVE? Take a look at our own life, is it too many issues hiding themselves behind sophisticated masks, isn't it? So let us live the way we are meant to live in order to experience those issues automatically burst out, then we will be occupied with lots of practical problems/masks to deal with. Just simply appreciate our own existence so that we can easily figure out the meaning of our Being.
As the matter of fact, it's our skin the first mask we inevitably wear everyday. And with our background and clothes and burdens we have been multiplying those masks. Eventually, we end up confronting millions of unsolved questions.
We live under the same sky and there is no difference among our existence, our Being. To live means to be a participating unit of a whole system that you can never get out. We are not different, we just lead our own life differently.
I hate words and I also hate expressing myself verbally as sometimes what we want to say is beyond our words. Words are hindrance and masks too. I try to live the way I am, I do try to actually live. And to me, painting is living and setting myself free.
Is anyone out there to be the first one standing up and taking off the first mask?